Best Ways To Optimize Your Solar Panels Efficiency and Output

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  • Best Ways To Optimize Your Solar Panels Efficiency and Output
Solar panels performance

Getting solar panels will not be enough to save you from your energy issues. Once you have bought premium-quality solar panels, the responsibility is now on you to maximize your solar panels’ performance. We know that it depends on panels and how well they perform; however, certain steps you take can ensure that your solar panels offer the best performance.

Here, in this article, we have listed some of the best ways to optimize the efficiency and output of your solar panels to get the most out of your solar system.

1- Avoid shaded areas

Even if you have the world’s best solar panels but they haven’t been installed properly, you won’t get the expected performance. One important thing to consider is that your solar panels are not placed in shaded areas. Some people ignore the fact, thinking that a little shade on solar panels won’t make a difference, but it does lead to a drastic reduction in output.

Solar System

So, if you have invested in solar panels, make sure they are not installed in some shaded area. Solar panels need direct sunlight to generate electricity, and even if one solar cell is shaded, it can weaken the entire chain, reducing the overall output of the solar panel. If we talk about what could cast a shade on your solar panels, it can be trees, buildings, or chimneys. Make sure your solar panels are not covered by any such thing that is casting a shadow or shade on them.

2- Install solar batteries to store energy

If you have an efficient solar system but you still do not have solar batteries, you are missing out on a lot. The concept behind getting solar batteries is to save excess power generated by your solar system instead of sending it back to the grid. Daily, your battery will store the excess power generated by your solar system, which you can easily utilize during the night or when it’s raining or your solar panel isn’t offering peak performance.

Solar System

Make sure to get a reliable battery; one option is the latest lithium-ion batteries. Doart lithium-ion batteries offer high capacity to store solar energy, can work well in a wide variety of temperature ranges, and also come with a long-term warranty of eight years. The best thing is that this solar battery is compact and aesthetically pleasing, so it won’t ruin the look of your property and also help you optimize the solar system’s performance.

3- Keep your inverter cool

The inverter is one of the most crucial components of your solar system, as it converts direct current (DC) electricity generated by solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity. It makes the energy generated by solar panels usable for everyday purposes. Converting energy constantly can lead to overheating of your inverter sometimes; therefore, it is recommended to keep it in some cool area of your house or office.

Solar System

Another alternative is to spend on the best hybrid solar inverter like the Doart Hybrid inverter that comes with a smart fanless cooling design, so you won’t have to worry about overheating of inverter and your solar system will also work efficiently. 

4- Track and monitor solar system performance

Unfortunately, the trend we have noticed among people after installing solar systems is completely forgetting about it. However, it is stressed again and again to keep monitoring your solar panels’ performance and make sure they are working properly. What happens when you ignore solar systems is that if some minor issue arises, it won’t be fixed on time and will turn into a major issue, leading to costly repairs and maintenance.

Solar System

Therefore, once you get solar panels installed, don’t repeat the same mistake. If you get Doart solar panels, you can easily track the performance of your solar panels with the Doart app, which allows you to check the real-time performance of your solar system. Additionally, you will get 24/7 free on-call consultation so if any issue arises, it will be fixed immediately. Make sure you keep monitoring your panels to ensure their proper maintenance.

5- Clean your solar panels

We know it is one of the most overly stated phrases, but cleaning your solar panels is crucial. Solar panels don’t require excessive or very precise cleaning, but still, the accumulation of dust and debris can negatively impact their performance. Therefore, it is recommended to clean your solar panels and make sure there is no accumulation on panels that can affect their performance.

Solar System

Clean solar panels will store excess amounts of solar energy and provide maximum efficiency. If we talk about how often you need to clean your solar panels, it depends on your location and environment. For instance, if you live near some construction sites or industrial areas, there will be more chances of dust accumulation in your solar panels; hence, more frequent cleaning is required. Generally, it is recommended to clean your solar panels at least once a year. 

Wrap Up!

These are some of the easiest but often overlooked ways to optimize your solar panels’ performance. Just because you have the best solar panels in Pakistan doesn’t mean your work has ended. By taking these few steps and following these measures, you can ensure that you get the most out of your solar system. Regularly monitor your solar panels, clean the panels, invest in high-quality inverters and batteries, and last but not least, make sure your panels are not placed in shaded areas. These steps will help you better optimize the efficiency and output of your solar panels.

Posted in: Doart

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