Category: Doart

Solar panels for 1.5 ton ac

How Many Solar Panels Are Required For 1.5 Ton AC: A Comprehensive Guide

During summer, the only way to beat the scorching heat in Pakistan is through the use of air conditioners. But unfortunately, the rising electricity prices have made it difficult for people to rely on ACs. However, solar energy provides a great way to get rid of this problem. In this article, we are going to answer one of the most frequently asked questions, which is how many solar panels are required for a 1.5-ton AC.

Many people have concerns about the electricity consumption of their AC and whether they would be able to use a 1.5-ton AC on a solar system. Keep reading to find the answers to all your concerns. 

Factors to consider in determining solar panels for your AC

The power your AC consumes and how many solar panels will be needed for it depends on a lot of factors, but here we have listed down the major ones for your understanding.

1- Type of AC

Solar panels for 1.5 ton ac
Source: DSG Energy

The first factor to consider is the type of AC. This is important to note because different types of air conditioners have different energy consumption levels. For instance, the inverter AC uses less electricity than the conventional AC. Therefore, to understand the power consumption of your AC, knowing which type of AC you have is crucial. The energy consumption of your air conditioner will also depend on factors like the size of your house and the local climate. 

2- Solar panel capacity

The second major thing to take into account is the capacity of solar panels because the amount of solar panels you will need will depend on the capacity of each panel. There are different capacities of solar panels, e.g., 250W, 550W, and 580W. So, after figuring out your AC’s energy consumption, you will need to find the best solar panels that provide that required amount.

Solar panels for 1.5 ton ac
Source: Union of Concerned Scientists

3- Solar panel efficiency

The conversion efficiency of solar panels also needs to be taken into account. The efficiency of a solar panel is one of its most crucial factors, as it determines how much power will be generated by the panel. The efficiency of solar panels also varies depending on the type of solar panels. If you get high-quality solar panels like Doart solar panels, you will be able to get the required power without spending a lot as they provide high efficiency and output. 

Now, let’s calculate how many solar panels will be required for a 1.5-ton AC to give you a quick idea.

Calculating Solar Panel Requirements for a 1.5-Ton AC

Let’s suppose your 1.5-ton inverter AC consumes 1200 to 1800 watts. Then you will need solar panels that provide the required amount of power. For instance, if you get a 580W solar panel, then you will need four 580W solar panels to run your 1.5-ton AC. However, it is important to note that if your solar panels don’t offer high efficiency, then you might need more panels to get the required power. 

This is just the calculation for an AC that consumes 1800 watts, but as we mentioned earlier, the power consumption of an AC varies depending on the type of AC. To check what the power consumption of your 1.5-ton AC is, you need to determine its wattage, which can easily be determined by checking the label on the unit.

Label of 1.5 Ton ACThe wattage of the ACNo. of 580W Panels RequiredNo. of 550W Panels Required
1-Star2,400 Watts55
2-Star2,200 Watts45
3-Star2,000 Watts44
4-Star1,800 Watts44
5-Star1,600 Watts33

You will also need to consider the number of hours the AC is used to determine the total power consumption. Once you have determined the power consumption of your AC, the next step is to get solar panels that provide the required power at 100%. So, if you get small-capacity solar panels, like 250 watts, then you will need 10 to 12 of them to meet the energy needs of a 1.5-ton AC. On the other hand, if you opt for high-capacity solar panels like 580W solar panels, then you will just need 4-5 panels to power your 1.5-ton AC.

Final Words!

In this article, we have explained the factors you need to consider when deciding how many solar panels will be enough to power a 1.5-ton AC. Check the type of your AC, determine how much power it consumes, and then get high-quality solar panels. An additional step you can take to ensure that you make the right decision is to get an energy audit. You can call a professional to help you determine how many solar panels will be enough for your 1.5-ton AC for additional confirmation. 

Hybrid Solar Inverter

Features and Prices of Hybrid Solar Inverters: Innovative Solar Technology 

Hybrid solar inverters are a game-changer in today’s solar technology. These inverters help solve Pakistan’s ongoing load-shedding problems by not relying entirely on the electricity grid. A hybrid inverter works with both solar panels and the grid, ensuring you have power even during blackouts. It’s like having the best of both worlds, using solar energy when available and switching to stored battery power when needed. 

This not only keeps your home powered 24/7 but also helps save on electricity bills. Let’s explore the features and prices of hybrid solar inverters.

What is a hybrid inverter?

A hybrid inverter works both as an off-grid and grid-tied inverter. It can convert the DC electricity generated by your solar panels into AC electricity to be used in the home and it can also convert the DC electricity stored in your batteries into AC electricity. It performs the function of both a grid-tied inverter and an off-grid inverter depending on the availability of the power. 

To better understand the functioning of a hybrid inverter, it’s better to first understand how a basic inverter works. There are three types of inverters: grid-tied, off-grid, and hybrid. A grid-tied inverter converts direct current (DC) electricity generated by your solar system into alternating current (AC) electricity. On the other hand, an off-grid inverter inverts DC electricity that is already stored in your solar battery storage into AC electricity. A hybrid inverter combines both of these functionalities. 

Hybrid Solar Inverter

What are the functionalities of a hybrid solar inverter?

A hybrid solar inverter performs the function of a standard inverter of converting DC input into AC while also offering multiple other functions.

  • Bidirectional power conversion

A hybrid solar inverter performs bidirectional power conversion. It can convert DC electricity generated by your solar panels into AC electricity to power your home and also take AC electricity from the grid and convert it into DC electricity to be stored in batteries. Later, it converts it into AC electricity to be used in your home or commercial property.

  • Continuous Power Supply

When you have an on-grid inverter, it is dependent on grid power, which means that during load-shedding, your solar system will also stop supplying power. Also, weather is not always the same, so during rain or bad weather conditions, power generation decreases. However, the same doesn’t happen with hybrid inverters, as they can function independently of the grid. It maintains a continuous power supply because of its bidirectional power conversion property.

What are the benefits of a hybrid solar inverter?

Considering the multi-functionalities of a hybrid inverter, it offers numerous benefits, which include:

1- Higher Efficiency

As hybrid inverters can take energy from both sunlight and the grid, they provide maximum efficiency. During sunny days they rely on sunlight for maximum power generation, and on rainy days or during the night they use grid power or the energy stored in the batteries. In this way, hybrid solar inverters offer maximum efficiency. 

2-  Highly Reliable

Because of the bidirectional current flow functioning of solar inverters, they can automatically switch to grid energy and solar power mode depending on the situation. It ensures continuity and stability of power supply in your home or commercial property.

3- Cost Savings

In Pakistan, there are peak hours set by the authorities during which the electricity rates are higher. The biggest advantage of a hybrid inverter is that it can store energy during sunlight hours, and then during peak hours, you won’t have to rely on the grid and pay extra for your electricity bills.

4- Less Dependence on Power Grid

Hybrid inverters have an energy storage function, because of which the dependence on the grid for power is drastically reduced. Similarly, when the grid is out of power or if there is some sort of issue, it won’t affect your property’s power supply. 

In short, a hybrid solar inverter is a perfect solution to get rid of rising electricity costs and constant load-shedding in Pakistan.

Hybrid Solar Inverter

Hybrid Solar Inverter Price in Pakistan

The hybrid solar inverter price in Pakistan varies depending on multiple factors, like the capacity of the inverter. In the market, you can find a wide range of inverters at different prices. If you get a Doart hybrid inverter, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of a premium-quality solar inverter at an affordable price. Hybrid inverters are a cost-effective option that will also help you save on your electricity prices and enjoy a continuous supply of clean energy.

Bottom Line

A hybrid inverter is a perfect solution for your energy needs. It can maximize the output of your solar panels, reduce your dependence on the grid, help you save on electricity prices, and also provide a constant power supply. Make sure to invest in a reliable hybrid inverter like the Doart hybrid inverter to get the most benefits from your investment in a solar inverter.

Electricty bills

Simple Tips To Save Big On Your Electricity Bills

The cost of living in Pakistan is increasing daily, but the highest expenditure people are dealing with is utility bills, especially electricity. In Pakistan, electricity prices are drastically increasing, and there is no hope of prices decreasing anytime soon. The rising costs, taxes, and unit prices have led to people paying a huge chunk of their income on electricity prices. However, there are some simple ways to reduce electricity bills.

In this article, we have listed down the best and easiest tips to help you save on electricity bills. These effective strategies can make a huge difference in helping you save on your energy costs. 

1- Limit the use of appliances during peak hours 

switch off appliances
Source: Daily Express US

The first and most crucial strategy that will help you save on electricity prices is limiting the use of appliances during peak hours. The authorities have declared that the electricity costs are different at different times. Peak hours are from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM, during which the electricity rates are higher. Therefore, avoid using washing machines, iron, air conditioners, or any such appliance that consumes a lot of energy during these hours. Just following this strategy can make a huge difference in your electricity bills and help you save a lot on electricity prices.

2- Unplug all the devices that are not in use

Electricty bills
Source: MakeUseOf

Even when you are not using electronic gadgets like your computer or chargers if they are not unplugged they will still use power, known as Phantom or Standby Power. You don’t realize but this excess standby power also adds a lot to your electricity consumption hence increasing your electricity bills. Make sure when you are not using electronic devices, be it your gaming station or charger, unplug it. It will help you stop the standby power drain and reduce your electricity bills. 

3- Use energy-saving LEDs

Energy saver leds
Source: AZoOptics

A lot of people have a major focus on big appliances like air conditioners and washing machines and they completely avoid lights, thinking it won’t consume much energy. However, experts have reported that switching to energy-saving LED bulbs can help you save 75% more energy as compared to other lights. LED bulbs are also known to last 25 times longer. It means if you want to have significant savings on your electricity bills, switching to energy-saving LEDs can be the best option.

4- Use air-conditioner efficiently

electricity bills
Source: Georgia Air

Do you know if your AC is not operating efficiently it can also add up to your electricity bills? The concept behind it is that when you have old AC or it is not properly maintained it takes more time to cool your room, which means higher energy consumption and higher electricity bills. Therefore, it is recommended to make sure your air conditioner works efficiently and runs at peak efficiency. Make sure you clean the air filters and also change them every three months. If your air conditioner is working efficiently, it means it won’t consume a lot of energy and you won’t have to pay crazy high electricity bills.

5- Install Solar System

Electricty bills
Source: ERI

If you don’t want to limit your use of energy and enjoy electricity throughout the day, getting solar systems is the best option. It will help you save big on your electricity bills and also will not limit your use of electricity like avoiding using appliances during peak hours. Investing in a solar system might require a huge upfront cost but if we compare it with the amount of electricity bills we pay every year, it is nothing compared to that. One can easily recover the cost spent on solar panels from one year of electricity bills and then enjoy free solar energy for the next 25-30 years. Choosing this option also gives you the freedom to use electricity at any time of the day at your convenience without worrying about the constantly rising electricity prices. 

Summing It Up!

These are some of the simple but most effective strategies to save on your electricity bills in 2024. Following these tips can help you reduce your electricity bills. However, if you believe that you can’t control your energy consumption, then you can simply switch to solar energy. Do comprehensive research to find a reliable solar company like Doart Energy so you get premium-quality solar panels and enjoy clean energy for years to come. It is high time you take a step to reduce your electricity bills and save big this summer!